

Angle cutting Heavy-Duty FLEX-L Hot & Cold Cutting System
SUHR Ultrasonic Strip Cutting System
Burn-free, smooth & soft sealed edges • Precision length cutting
Heavy-duty drive system • Patented self-adjusting tooling
Reliable • Self-checking diagnostic software system
The SUHR Ultrasonic strip cutting machines are specifically designed for extremely high quality cutting and sealing of synthetic and synthetic blend materials. Consisting of the two main components shown above, these machines provide a valuable balance of precision, speed, and reliability while maintaining the versatility of the FLEXI-L modular cutting systems.
Our innovative measurement system uses two independent length detection devices to allow you to choose the one that provides the most efficient accurate results. Precision length measurement is accomplished through the use of powerful DC servo motors. These durable motors provide a high degree of precision and exceptional pulling power, and seldom require a separate prefeed device. Highspeed cutting is pneumatically driven for speed, power, and reliability.
Angle Cutter FACT SHEET
Angle Cutter PRINT COPY
Copyright © 2004 Suhr A/S, Biskop Svanesvej 21, DK-3460 Birkerød, Denmark. CVR no.: 20 56 98 16.
